GLC - HP Global Hackathon 2023-2024

2926 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 2
2926 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 2

This campaign is over.

Idea Phase
starts on:
Dec 08, 2023, 03:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 07, 2024, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)
Prototype Phase
starts on:
Jan 19, 2024, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Feb 04, 2024, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)


Shortlist Announcement

Congratulations to all the teams who made it to the Prototype Phase.

Team Name Idea Title
Blank2k Generative AI Powered Virtual Classroom
adityapal1_817b Deca x Learn
21wh1a04c4_b474 EdutainmentAI: Transforming Text to Engaging Animated Learning
22wh1a05g7_5c16 AI Harmony for Holistic Student Success
Students SNAPCHAT Study For Students Using AI
samrathsingh313_c4d9 LearnSync: Innovating Education through AI tools
EdTechWiz AI Quiz Generator
Tech Hats EduEthica: A Cultivating Learning with AI Responsibility
shashikant236_4b43 Gamified Assessment
base234 StudyHack
SS_OFFICIAL_006 Viewspex
hare.sarthak_203f SmartCheck
Merlin LFG EduVerse: Education through Equitable AI
Svv_sai_teja__69fb Sign Language Translation: ML for Universal Understanding
AIOverflow eduAId: Artificial Intelligence in Education - By Team AIOverflow

Every hack has a story to tell – we are proud to announce to all the enthusiastic tech geeks that the Global Learning Council (GLC) and HP Inc. (HP) are partnering to coordinate a series of global hackathons, with the goal of nurturing an awareness of the importance, potential and limitations of the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in learning and education at the upper secondary (specifically, high school) and tertiary (university undergraduate) levels.

Pratithi Investments and Axilor Ventures are partnering with them to conduct the hackathon in Bengaluru.

AI is becoming more and more important in the area of education. Therefore, it's critical to ensure that artificial intelligence serves as a powerful tool to empower learners and educators alike. This hackathon is all about reimagining AI's role in education, focusing on two pivotal aspects: ascertaining the veracity of AI-derived information and enhancing equity in education. Participants will work on challenges that explore how AI can be used to ensure that the information learners’ access is factual and unbiased. They will develop solutions to address innate and conscious human biases in AI content, with the goal of improving truthfulness and objectivity in educational materials as well as models for more equitable access to AI content. This theme challenges participants to create innovative AI solutions that break down barriers and promote inclusivity in education.


Registration start 8th December '23
Idea Submission Deadline 7th January '24
Onsite Grand Finale 6th February '24


  • This hackathon is only open to college students all across India pursuing a degree at the time of registering for this hackathon.


The aim of the hackathon is to generate new ideas or create products that can contribute to improving education through AI. The hackathon will be conducted [in-person / virtually], either as individuals or in small teams of up to two participants maximum per team.

  • In Phase 1, teams will make a written proposal submission online. Teams will be shortlisted (around 15) based on their proposal.
  • In Phase 2, the shortlisted teams will then have to develop a software to implement their project.

Note: The travel expenses to Bengaluru (for Phase 2) will have to be borne by the shortlisted teams. Hospitality on the demo day will be taken care of by the organizers.

“Your proposal may contain the following: Executive Summary, Problem Statement, Solution Overview, Technical Details, Implementation Plan, and Conclusion. Refer to the Idea Template tab for more details".


Improving Education through Responsible AI

Ascertaining the Veracity of AI-derived Information for Learners and for Content in Education and Ensuring an Inclusive Education Environment for All

AI is becoming more and more important in the area of education. Therefore, it's critical to ensure that artificial intelligence serves as a powerful tool to empower learners and educators alike. This hackathon is all about reimagining AI's role in education, focusing on two pivotal aspects: ascertaining the veracity of AI-derived information and enhancing equity in education. Participants will work on challenges that explore how AI can be used to ensure that the information learners’ access is factual and unbiased. They will develop solutions to address innate and conscious human biases in AI content, with the goal of improving truthfulness and objectivity in educational materials as well as models for more equitable access to AI content. This theme challenges participants to create innovative AI solutions that break down barriers and promote inclusivity in education.

The following topics at the core of the hackathon represent a crucial aspect of ensuring that AI in education is accurate, transparent, and beneficial to learners and educators.

  • Ensure that AI serves education and remains in control of human biases: both conscious (arising from biased data fed into AI algorithms) and unconscious (unintended) bias from AI (arising from unintended human bias in programming). The critical question related to the theme is: how can AI be designed and used so that it reduces innate or conscious human bias, and definitely does NOT exacerbate human bias.
  • Equity in access, possibilities and success in education: Related to equity, how can AI be used to promote greater equity? In access to education and learning, in assessing human potential, in ensuring equality of pay for equality of qualifications, etc. Also, in translating existing digital content to make them inclusive - adding sign languages to existing video, multi-lingual, editing the video to make it more contextual.
  • Content Accuracy and Relevance: Participants can develop solutions to ensure that AI embedded education platforms provide learners with content that is not only accurate and up-to-date but also tailored to each learner's specific needs. This may involve content curation, dynamic updating, and personalized recommendations.
  • Content Quality Assurance: Teams can work on methods to assess and maintain the quality of educational content used by AI systems. This involves mechanisms for content validation, peer review, and continuous improvement of materials.
  • Misinformation Prevention: Misinformation is a significant concern in online education. Hackathon participants can focus on implementing algorithms or filters to prevent the spread of false information and promote a fact-based learning environment.
  • Assessment and Progress Tracking: Ensuring that AI accurately assesses learners' progress and applies sound pedagogical principles is vital. Participants can develop systems that not only assess but also adapt educational pathways based on a learner's performance and needs.
  • Transparency in Decision-Making: Participants can explore ways to make AI decision-making processes transparent. This includes visualizations, explanations, and clear documentation of how AI systems interpret data, make recommendations, and adjust educational content.
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuous feedback and assessment are essential for the improvement of AI-powered education. Hackathon projects can devise mechanisms for collecting and analyzing feedback from both learners and educators to enhance the system's performance and responsiveness.
  • Problem statements: Here are some more ideas with respect to AI and learning
    • How can academic mentors leverage AI to formulate observations and suggest strategic feedback to the teacher/classroom transaction in focus.
    • How can parents leverage AI in being more participative in child learning: at home strategies and participation in school activities.
    • How can school leaders and teachers use AI to identify class and school level challenges and be able to design improvement projects.
    • How can learners use AI to get quick suggestions/tools/tips on everyday challenges
    • How can teachers, leaders and other stakeholders use AI to understand complex circulars released by education department and be able to understand what they need to do
    • How can academic mentors leverage AI to formulate observations and suggest strategic feedback to the teacher/classroom transaction in focus.
    • How can community members (SMC/Gram Panchayat members) leverage AI to support schools, be able to understand their roles and responsibilities and get suggestions on what they need to do.
    • How can AI help teachers help analyse student data to identify potential academic challenges and provide early intervention strategies to prevent students from falling behind.

By exploring these areas, and possible themes like personalized learning, inclusive community building, generative AI storytelling, the hackathon aims to not only create new solutions but also foster a collaborative community dedicated to improving education through responsible AI integration.


Main Prizes
1st place team of two participants will be invited to the GLC Annual Meeting in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, on 24th - 25th June, 2024. GLC will provide support for registration via the Villars Institute Foundation and pay for housing and meals during the conference. The GLC-HP Hackathon's final event including a presentation of the results and panel feedback will take place at the GLC Annual Meeting in 2024.
In addition, the top 100 students will be invited to attend the Demo Day at Infosys Science Foundation, Bengaluru on 6 Feb 2024. You will get to interact with globally renowned scientists and educationists and participate in Masterclasses on AI/ML and entrepreneurship by industry experts.


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